Welcome to the Locomotive L11 & Epping Signal Cabin website
Situated alongside live running Central Line trains on the approach to Epping station is this unique LONDON TRANSPORT signal cabin. It is the only Cabin on the entire Underground network in preservation and open to the public. It is this signal cabin and our Locomotive L11 that together make up Epping Signalling Museum. Our guides will tailor your experience at the Museum to suit whether you're a former signaller, railway expert, mildly inquisitive or a hard-pressed parent looking for an interesting, interactive and fun day out with the children! We are sure the Museum will have something for you all to enjoy.
The most striking exhibit as you approach our gate is the bright yellow 90+ year old former shunting locomotive L11. You are welcome to climb on board and sit at the controls of this genuine London Underground train, not forgetting to watch for the lineside signals and working set of points. All this whilst Central Line trains clatter past on the other line! Then our guides will show you around and explain the signalling, points and other safety systems that keep London Underground one of the safest railways in the world.

The next destination will be the downstairs room of the signal cabin, originally called the Relay Room. This is where we house our collection of railway artefacts and memorabilia. There are working signals and warning indicators, an illuminated track diagram, a guards door panel, and of course relays! We have original Underground station signs from long forgotten stations. 'Behind the scenes' equipment such as Train Sequencer machines are also on show. This year's exciting new attraction is a fully interactive, push-button, air-controlled signal lever frame. Come and try it!!

Then it's upstairs to the highlight of the exhibition - the Signal Cabin operating floor itself. Directly overlooking the Central Line and with a view of trains as they leave the station or approach from Theydon Bois, this is where the signaller worked. They would have controlled trains in and out of not only Epping station but, in days gone by, the goods yard and gas works siding as well! The 47 fully interlocked chrome plated levers controlled all the signals and points in the Epping area, even the ones towards North Weald. Your guide will explain how it all works, and then it's over to you to use the levers and simulator to signal a train into Epping station and beyond!
The main website (click the 'Way In' link below) has more information about how to get to Epping Signalling Museum, Locomotive L11 and the Signal Cabin. It also explains ways you can get in touch with us and we'd really welcome your enquiries about joining our group of friendly volunteers. Click the 'Way In' signs below to enter the main website.
The Museum is now closed to visitors over the winter season and will reopen in Spring with a selection of new exhibits.